We have all had to adapt our working practices over the last few weeks and, whilst online workshops are something I have done for a while, these have usually been accompanied by a face to face workshop afterwards.  Now, all learning is happening remotely.

For the last couple of weeks I have been running some remote workshops with the leadership teams from local Arts organisations and they have been going really well!  Using Zoom, the workshops have been interactive with delegates taking part in group activities and discussions.

So far we have covered topics such as understanding leadership styles, emotional intelligence and resilience, managing time effectively and a HR Q and A with a guest speaker.  Later in the programme we will also cover communication, having great coaching conversations and giving feedback.

All of this has been done remotely, in 2 hour workshops with delegates logging in from home.  They have completed pre-workshop activities and are keeping a learning log/journal of their key learning points and what they plan to do differently when they are back at work (most people are furloughed on the programme).

These workshops coincide nicely with Learning at Work week which starts on 18th May and is all about learning remotely.  And to celebrate, I am offering workshops at a discounted rate during May.  These workshops are tailored to meet the needs of your organisation and a 1 hour workshop is just £25 per person (minimum of 6 people).

The feedback I have received from delegates has been excellent – they are engaged with the learning, enjoying interacting with their colleagues and are finding they have the time to reflect on their learning (and how they can apply it) which they haven’t always had time to do in the past.

So, if you would like to know more, please get in touch at jo@jktrainingltd.co.uk

Let’s make Learning at Work week great!